Hello! Hey Sister Film (former Systerskaparna) is a production company based in Stockholm, founded by the two sisters Annika Karlsson and Jessica Karlsson. We mainly produce documentary films, but we also produce for TV & web. We also work educational in documentary processes for different schools and students.
Our films have premiereded for example at Berlinale, Hot Docs, IDFA, Nordiskt Panorama and Les Nuits en Or by the Académie des César. Our films have also been nominated in the category for “Best Tv-Documentary” at Prix Europa and a Crystal Bear at Berlinale. Our feature film Loving Lorna won “Best New Nordic Voice” at Nordisk Panorama (2017) and our short film A Legacy of Horses was awarded a Guldbagge 2021.
Our ambition is to portray personal and challenging stories that have both heart and depth <3